All functions |
Create a parameter object for the function getCohortTimeSeriesData |
Create a parameter object for the function createOcpModel |
Create a Bayesian Online Changepoint model |
Create a parameter object for the function createSegmentedModel |
Create a segmented linear model |
Create a TimeSeries analysis specification |
Sample drug data for using the change detection time series methods |
Extracts the time series data and runs the time series analyses on all (or a subset of) the cohorts. This function assumes the cohorts have already been generated using the OHDSI CohortGenerator package |
Retrieve time series data for one or more cohorts |
Launches the Shiny results viewer |
Plots time series data with change points computed by the ocp package |
Plots time series data with change points computed with a segmented generalized linear model |
Plots time series data |
Run the time series analyses for the selected time series data set |