9.1 Network Dashboard

Label Colors

In order to obtain the colors blue and rose in the chart representing the gender distribution, add the following JSON entry to the JSON object of the JSON Metadata field on the edit dashboard page:

"label_colors": {
    "Male": "#3366FF", 
    "Female": "#FF3399"


Whenever a user types some texts on superset’s filters the avaiable options on it are filtered. Whenever no option matches the text inserted a ‘Create option “[inserted text]”’. Since Superset filters do exact match, this option will for sure return no results. Because of that, this option is being hidden with the following CSS:

.css-0.Select__option {
  display: none;

With this every time you want to edit the dashboard layout you have to either comment the CSS inserted or remove it so the “Edit Dashboard” button can show again.



This defines which charts specific filters will affect. This can be edited by entering in edit mode, click the three dots near the “Save” and then go to “Set filter mappings”. To apply a mapping you have to select a set of filters on the left, choose on the right which charts it affects and finally hit save. You have to do this procedure for the different sets of filters that have different mappings.

This is done mainly to not confuse the user. Let’s say you choose “Portugal” on the country filter and that databases from Portugal only have records of the Dug domain. After this, if the user clicks on the domain filter dropdown, only the Drug domain option will appear. With this, the user might get the idea that the system only has records of the Drug domain. If all options appear on the domain filter, the charts will show “No results” and with this, the users should conclude that for the set of filters defined there is no data.

Global filters: note that it does not affect the other filters mentioned below.

Domain Filter

Concept Filter: Note that it does not affect the Domain filter

Number of patitents in observation period time range

Country Filter

Dataset: Materialized View meta_data_table

Database Type Filter

Dataset: Materialized View meta_data_table

Data Source Filter

Dataset: Materialized View meta_data_table

Overview Tab


Dataset: Materialized View meta_data_table

Data Sources

Dataset: Materialized View meta_data_table

Datasource Types

Dataset: Materialized View meta_data_table


Dataset: Materialized View meta_data_table


Dataset: Materialized View meta_data_table

Patients by Country

Dataset: Materialized View meta_data_table

Database Types per Country

Dataset: Materialized View meta_data_table

Meta Data

Dataset: Materialized View meta_data_table

Demographics Tab

Number of Patients

Dataset: Materialized View number_of_patients

Gender Table

Dataset: Materialized View gender

Gender Pie

Dataset: Materialized View gender

Age at first observation Table

Dataset: Materialized View age1observation_table

Age at first observation Bar Chart

Dataset: Materialized View age1observation_bar_chart

Distribution of age at first observation period

Dataset: Materialized View distribution_of_age_at_first_observation_period

Year of Birth

Dataset: Materialized View year_of_birth

Data Domains Tab

Average number of records per person

Dataset: Materialized View avg_num_of_records_per_person

Total number of records

Dataset: Materialized View data_domain_total_num_of_records

Number of distinct visit occurrence concepts per person

Dataset: Materialized View number_of_distinct_per_person

Number of distinct condition occurrence concepts per person

Dataset: Materialized View number_of_distinct_per_person

Number of distinct procedure occurrence concepts per person

Dataset: Materialized View number_of_distinct_per_person

Number of distinct drug exposure concepts per person

Dataset: Materialized View number_of_distinct_per_person

Number of distinct observation occurrence concepts per person

Dataset: Materialized View number_of_distinct_per_person

Number of distinct mesurement occurrence concepts per person

Dataset: Materialized View number_of_distinct_per_person

Data Provenance Tab

Dataset: Materialized View data_provenance

Observation Period Tab

Number of Patitents in Observation Period

Dataset: Materialized View num_of_patients_in_observation_period

Cumulative Observation Period

Dataset: Materialized View cumulative_observation_time

Number of Observation Periods

Dataset: Materialized View number_of_observation_periods

Length of observation (days) of first observation period

Dataset: Materialized View length_of_observation_of_first_observation_period

Visit Tab

Visit Type Graph

Dataset: Materialized View visit_type_bar_chart

Visit Type

Dataset: Materialized View visit_type_table

Concept Browser Tab

Domain Filter

Dataset: Materialized View domain_filter

Concept Browser

Dataset: Materialized View concept_browser_table3

Concept Network Coverage

Dataset: Materialized View concept_coverage2

About Tab

Markdown dashboard components