Chapter 3 Installation

Currently, we use docker to deploy our environment

First Steps

  1. Clone the repository with the command git clone --recurse-submodules If you already cloned the repository without the --recurse-submodules option, run git submodule update --init to fetch the superset submodule.

  2. Create a .env file on the docker directory, using .env-example as a reference, setting all necessary environment variables (SUPERSET_MAPBOX_API_KEY and DASHBOARD_VIEWER_SECRET_KEY).

    2.1 If you will use this application as a third-party application and will iframe it, set the variable SINGLE_APPLICATION_MODE to False and define the host of the main application on the variable MAIN_APPLICATION_HOST. Also make sure to add this last host to the list of ALLOWED_HOSTS.

Dashboard Viewer setup

  1. If you wish to expose the dashboard viewer app through a specific domain(s) you must add it/them to the ALLOWED_HOSTS list on file dashboard_viewer/dashboard_viewer/ and remove the '*' entry.

  2. In production, all of our docker services use prebuilt images present in DockerHub, however, if you are in development mode and are using the docker-compose-dev.yml, you should build the images for the dashboard containers with docker-compose build.

  3. Set up the database and create an admin account for the dashboard viewer app: docker-compose run --rm dashboard ./

Insert Concepts

The concepts table is not in the repository due to its dimension, therefore we use directly the Postgres console to insert this table in the installation.

  1. Get your concept csv file from Athena

  2. Copy the file into postgres container

    docker cp concept.csv dashboard_viewer_postgres_1:/tmp/
  3. Enter in the postgres container:

    docker exec -it dashboard_viewer_postgres_1 bash
  4. Enter in the achilles database (value of the variable POSTGRES_ACHILLES_DB on the .env file) with the root user (value of the variable POSTGRES_ROOT_USER on the .env file):

    psql achilles root
  5. Create the concept table

    CREATE TABLE concept (
      concept_id         INTEGER        NOT NULL,
      concept_name       VARCHAR(255)   NOT NULL,
      domain_id          VARCHAR(20)    NOT NULL,
      vocabulary_id      VARCHAR(20)    NOT NULL,
      concept_class_id   VARCHAR(20)    NOT NULL,
      standard_concept   VARCHAR(1)     NULL,
      concept_code       VARCHAR(50)    NOT NULL,
      valid_start_date   DATE           NOT NULL,
      valid_end_date     DATE           NOT NULL,
      invalid_reason     VARCHAR(1)     NULL
  6. Copy the CSV file content to the table (this could take a while)

    To get both ' (single quotes) and " (double quotes) on the concept_name column we use a workaround by setting the quote character to one that should never be in the text. Here we used \b (backslash).

    COPY public.concept FROM '/tmp/concept.csv' WITH CSV HEADER
      DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b';
  7. Create index in table (this could take a while):

    CREATE INDEX concept_concept_id_index ON concept (concept_id);
    CREATE INDEX concept_concept_name_index ON concept (concept_name);
  8. Set the owner of the concept table to the achilles user (value of the variable POSTGRES_ACHILLES_USER on the .env file):

    ALTER TABLE concept OWNER TO achiller
  9. Bring up the containers: docker-compose up -d.

  10. Run the command docker-compose run --rm dashboard python generate_materialized_views to create the materialized views on Postgres.

Superset setup

  1. Bring up the containers: docker-compose up -d.

  2. Make sure that the container superset-init has finished before continuing. It is creating the necessary tables on the database and creating permissions and roles.

  3. If you used the default ports:

    • Go to http://localhost to access the dashboard viewer app.
    • Go to http://localhost:8088 to access superset.
  4. By default Superset’s admin user credentials are admin/admin. It is recommended that you change the password if you will use this in a production environment.

  5. To any anonymous user view dashboards, add the following permissions to the public role:

    • all datasource access on all_datasource_access
    • can csrf token on Superset
    • can dashboard on Superset
    • can explore json on Superset
    • can read on Chart
    • can read on CssTemplate
    • can read on Dashboard
    • can time range on Api
  6. For each dashboard you want anonymous users to be able to access, on the dashboard list page click edit (the pencil on the right) and add the “Admin” and “Public” roles to the “Roles with acess” field.

Dummy data

On a fresh installation, there are no achilles_results data so Superset’s dashboards will display “No results”. On the root of this repository, you can find the demo directory where we have an ACHILLES results file with synthetic data that you can upload to a data source on the uploader app of the dashboard viewer (http://localhost/uploader). If you wish to compare multiple data sources, on the demo directory there is also a python script that allows you to generate new ACHILLES results files, where it generates random count values based on the ranges of values for each set of analysis_id and stratums present on a base ACHILLES results file. So, from the one ACHILLES results fill we provided, you can have multiple data sources with different data.