9.2 Database-Level Dashboard

This dashboard is an exact copy of the Network Dashboard dashboard but several legends and fields displayed on the original are hidden either through CSS or by changing some chart settings. On the following sections we will only present the things to change on the original charts.

Label Colors

In order to obtain the colors blue and rose in the chart representing the gender distribution, add the following JSON entry to the JSON object of the JSON Metadata field on the edit dashboard page:

"label_colors": {
    "Male": "#3366FF",
    "Female": "#FF3399"


To hide the dashboard header insert the following css code to the CSS field on the edit page:

/* hides the filter badges on right side of charts */
.dashboard-filter-indicators-container {
    display: none;

/* hides the acronym filter */
.grid-content > .dragdroppable.dragdroppable-row > .with-popover-menu {
    display: none;

 * WARNING panel 1 id hardcoded
 * Hides the X Axis Label of the heatmap on the Data Domains tab
#TABS-nlIU6H5mcT-pane-1 g.x.axis > g.tick text {
    display: none;

 * WARNING panel 2 id hardcoded
 * Hides the X Axis Labels of the bar charts on the Data Provenance tab
#TABS-nlIU6H5mcT-pane-2 g.nv-x.nv-axis.nvd3-svg > g.nvd3.nv-wrap.nv-axis > g > g.tick.zero > text {
    display: none;

With this every time you want to edit the dashboard layout you have to either comment the CSS inserted or remove it so the “Edit Dashboard” button can show again.

Data Source Filter - hidden

Dataset: data_source table of the achilles database.

For the filter to work the name of the fields to filter should match in all tables used on the charts of this dashboard.

Demographics Tab

Number of Patients

No changes

Gender Table

No changes

Gender Pie

No changes

Age at first observation - Bars

Remove legend.

  • Customize Tab
    • Chart Options
      • Legend: off

Distribution of age at first observation period

No changes

Year of Birth

Remove legend.

  • Customize Tab
    • Chart Options
      • Legend: off

Data Domains Tab

Average number of records per person

No changes

Total number of records

No changes

Data Density Plot

Dataset: Materialized View data_density

Records per person

Dataset: Materialized View records_per_person

Concepts per person

Dataset: Materialized View number_of_distinct_per_person

Data Provenance Tab

Type Concepts

Dataset: Materialized View data_provenance

Observation Period Tab

Number of Patitents in Observation Period

Remove legend.

  • Customize Tab
    • Chart Options
      • Legend: off

Length of observation (days) of first observation period

No changes

Cumulative Observation Period

Remove legend.

  • Customize Tab
    • Chart Options
      • Legend: off

Number of Observation Periods

No changes

Visit Tab

Visit Type Graph

Remove legend.

  • Customize Tab
    • Chart Options
      • Legend: off

Visit Type Table

Remove the name field from the columns to display.

  • Data Tab
    • Query
      • Columns: visit_type, num_persons, percent_persons with label persons (%), records_per_person

Visit Age Distribution

Dataset: Materialized View visit_age_distribution

Concept Browser Tab

Domain Filter

No changes

Concept Browser

Dataset: Materialized View concept_browser_table2

Meta Data Tab

Meta Data

Dataset: Materialized View meta_data_table